Design for
community and connection.

  • A sense of belonging with your community is essential to well-being

  • Understanding, transparency, and accountabilty is made possible through active engagement.

  • Clear is kind.

  • Design

    You have a piece of land and a dream, and you need a landscape plan.

  • Education

    You have an event or cause, and you need passion and vision.

  • Research

    You believe in the power of design to create change.

  • “I just wanted to say how impressed we were with the landscape design. Your team really knocked it out of the park!” - Don Ricci

  • Trilogy Monarch Dunes

    “We have always valued your insight, creativity, and professionalism.” - Lonnie Ellisor

  • City of Marina Youth Engagement

    "My thanks to Bianca and her team, the recreation team, Justin, JD and the Youth Commision for a home run in execution of the playground youth input session today. THANKS ALL!!!" -Terry Siegrist